Monday, June 8, 2009

Scored Bigtime at Garage Sales :)

This weekend was a complete success. Friday night had a kickball game and was fortunate enough to have our dear friend Alex there to help out with Madeline in the dugout. Thank you Alex:) Hopefully next week we will have a new sitter, Madison, who lives down the block watching Madeline. I finally went down the street and asked for her phone number and she seems like an excellent teenage girl and am excited to ask her for this Friday.
Saturday morning i noticed some garage sale activities taking place down the street and pleaded with Bri to come along to look for outside toys for Madeline. She has so many inside toys and since it's getting so nice out we need more activities for her to do outside. I was mostly looking for a sandbox, slide, etc type things but no luck. still the purchases made were awesome. We found a bike trailer for $10, a pink scooter for $1, soccer ball for $1 and two my little ponies at $0.25 each.
The bike trailer i have been actively shopping for and have been struggling with the costs. Brand new at the cheap end one starts at $100 and can climb all the way into the $300/$400. i cannot justify this as she HATES the stroller and to buy one and have her hate it would drive not only me nuts but Brian would be even less happy about it. I was picturing us buying even the $100 one and using it only once with her screaming to "GET OUT" the entire time. Even on Craig's list the ones in decent condition were still going for $50-60. So here we are garage saling and we come across one for $10, how could we resist. After getting home i decided to test it out and SUCCESS. Madeline didn't utter a peep and was perfectly content. JACKPOT!!
The $1 scooter she loves. She has a hard time riding her bike at the moment since she doesn't really understand the peddling and steering concept yet. With the scooter she can practice steering and then we can move onto peddling and i think it will be a great transition. and for $1 how could we pass it up.
A soccer ball for $1 is also fantastic. You cannot buy a basketball, soccer ball, football in a store for less than $15 and when you have a 90 lb black lab at home that LOVES balls and more than that PUNCTURES them upon impact kinda a waste of money to buy them at full price.
And last but not least the My Little Pony purchases we am impulse buy for Madeline. we all have them. If they weren't a quarter we probably would have passed but who could resist.
Madeline was so cute shopping. we let her hold the money in her pocket and paid for everything herself and said thank you so politely.
Sunday Madeline attended her first Tiger's game of the season and for the most part was fine. Unfortunately we probably should have purchased her a separate seat this season since her behavior was 100% better when she wasn't sitting on my lap but oh well. We thought we'd get another full season saving on a seat and we did but i don't think it will be very much fun when we go. she made it thru till about the 7th inning and then her and i had to bail. by the time we were a block outside the stadium she was asleep in the stroller. luckily Leah and Woodke were at the game as well so Bri didn't have to leave early and was able to just catch a ride back home with them. Packed lots of snacks though and seemed to help. We'll see how the rest of the season goes. At least with this new sitter right down the street maybe we'll have to hire her services for not only kickball but also baseball games:)
This week no big plans really. Just getting ready for Relay for Life on Saturday. Everyone should come out and see what the even is about. Should be lots of fun. We are doing a flea market for our on site fundraiser and also having Bri grill brats and burgers and a little craft area for kids. Can't wait!
I'll get some pictures of Madeline using her new toys if the rain ends at some point.

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