Well Maddy turned 9 months old this past week. She is HUGE. She is almost able to stand all by herself and she walks when behind her lion push toy. She plays patty cake on demand, can slap
Bri high five and sometimes waves bye bye. The bye bye happens when you tell her or sometimes it happens after the person leaves, it's funny. I haven't updated the blog since Halloween so a lot has happened since then. At Halloween Maddy was crawling slowly but surely and now she is moving all over the place. she chases Lily down and tries to corner Louie so she can pet him. For Thanksgiving we went to Marquette and went to uncle Dan and Aunt Karen's for the big Lions vs. Packers game. Maddy wore her Packer's
cheerleading outfit for the first time and looked adorable. Nana Linda went with us too but she was rooting for the Lions. In December Maddy went to Chicago for the first time to visit her auntie Leigh and see Richie and also go to the American Girl store. Maddy got her very first American girl doll, well actually a bitty baby, and she loved it. it was so much fun at the store and she was definitely the youngest little girl there. Then for Christmas we had a house full. All of
Bri's family and my family came to stay with us for Maddy's first Christmas. Maddy opened a few presents but then she got hungry then tired and then she fell asleep. She really loves all of her presents and is still having fun playing with them. Besides that she has spent some time with Nana Linda and Auntie Megan and Grandpa Don came to stay this weekend so mommy and daddy could go on a date. She was home sick last Thursday from Ms. Kim's house but is feeling better and she returned back on Friday and will go all of this week too. Here are some pictures from the past few months. I apologize for not being a very good blogger, i will try harder. ENJOY!!!

Maddy at the Bowling Alley with her Auntie Leigh and with Grandpa Dave in their Packer's Gear

With Mommy and Daddy at the American Girl Store in Chicago and looking Oh so cute in her new sweater:)

With Nana Linda in her new Christmas Dress and also with Grandpa Dave in her new dress

Checking out all her Christmas Presents and playing with
Tickle Me Elmo

Riding her Lion that can also be pushed to walk behind.
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