Terrible with the blog updates i know. i am so sorry. A lot is happening though in the life of Miss Madeline. She is growing so big and will go for her 6 month check up tomorrow. She has had a cough and stuffy nose but taking it like a champ. She is starting to crawl, has two little teeth on the bottom of her mouth, is saying dadadada which i reply to with a "No, mamamamama". She is paying so much attention to Lily now more than ever. She watches her every second and likes to pet her and chew on her toys which we are telling her is disgusting. They get along GREAT though. She will be taking her first airplane ride next week to visit Great Grandpa Don and her aunts and cousins she hasn't met. Great Grandpa is getting married so it will be a great celebration. Her uncle D.J. has moved to Colorado and so it will be nice to see him also. I have some pictures to post of when she helped Mommy and Daddy and their friends carve pumpkins. She also go tot play with friend Leah's kittens Zoey and Chloe. She is still loving bathtime and is also now sitting in high chairs at restaurants and in the cart at the grocery store. I will try to get a little better at updating everyone, sorry it's been so long:) Enjoy the new pictures!!
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