Madeline went on her very first camping trip this last weekend. She slept in a tent and was outside and watched mommy and daddy and her other family members play horseshoes and kickball and she went swimming in a lake and had a fantastic time. Brian's dad's brothers and sisters were all there with their families and the whole yard was full of tents a pop-up camper and a giant 5th wheel. It was quite a drive there, almost 5 hours from Marquette, so by the time we got home on Sunday night she was pretty well spent. Yesterday was an adjustment getting back into her routine but since she is so easy going wasn't as bad as it could've been. This weekend is the big move to Berkley but luckily Nana Linda will be there to help out with Maddy and keep her entertained while everyone else is busy. Here are some pictures though from the Cabin. One of these days i am going to upload a video of Madeline. She has taken to trying to talk and she is loud, what a surprise huh, just like her mom:) and she loves to smile and suck on her hands. Every day she is growing and growing and every minute is so precious to me, and Brian as well i am sure:)

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