I apologize for not updating the blog in quite awhile. I know all of you are going through Maddy withdraws.
For Memorial weekend Madeline made her very first trip to the Upper Peninsula to visit Grandpa and Grandma Bonsall and to see the rest of her extended family she hadn't met yet. The car ride although long was very pleasant due to her sleeping the entire way. We left for the U.P. on Friday morning bright and early and got to go see Grandpa Dave at NMU and then to see Uncle Scott's new apartment. Then Madeline got to stay all by herself with Grandpa Dave and Grandma Sandy while mommy and daddy went out for a few hours. Saturday was the big BBQ where Madeline met lots and lots of people. Too many to name here. She met friends of Grandma and Grandpas', extended family, friends daddy grew up with and so on. She was passed around from one person to the next all day and was told many times how beautiful she is. Of course we all already knew that:) All in all her first trip to Marquette was a blast and she can't wait to make it back up there in July:)
Yesterday Maddy got to go to Breckenridge where mommy grew up to a special friend Dani Raye's open house. She got to meet mommy's lifelong friends the McClintics and unfortunately mommy forgot to take pictures so there are none to post. We will most definitely see them again soon so we will get some then.
Today has been spent laying around and being lazy since it's thundering and raining out. Madeline hasn't seemed to mind and it's been nice for mommy and daddy to catch up on some sleep.
Hard to believe Madeline will be 7 weeks old this Tuesday. This will be the last full week I will be home with her and then back to work for mommy. Not looking forward to leaving Maddy but kinda excited to head back to work.
...... tried to upload photos but the blog site wasn't working, i will keep trying. Sorry:(