There were some people left out of the prior photo collection with our little Madeline so here are some more for you to enjoy. Auntie Megan wants her photo removed because she thinks she looks like a druggie but we will leave it up and just include this new one:) Luv you Megs!

Grandpa Don with Madeline

A better picture of Auntie Megan with our little Maddy


Trying to find her thumb
We don't think that Auntie Megan in her original picture looks like a druggy but it is fun to see some new pictures!
Oh what a precious precious Madeline!
Congrats Shannon! Wow, she is so beautiful! I'm so glad she has arrived safely. Take lots of pictures...I love looking at A's newborn pictures, and it wasn't even that long ago. They change so fast.
Joye has posted a beautiful picture of Madeline on Amelia's blog. The newborn pictures are so special. I also am still loving Amelia's.
Great pictures of little Madeline and all her fans! I can't wait to see her and maybe get my picture with her, ha.
Congrats again to Shannon & Brian
Thanks so much you guys for visiting the blog, and thanks for posting madeline on yours joye:) we are so glad everyone is getting to see our little angel. We are so excited to introduce you to her this weekend. Joye and Beth you need to visit michigan soon!!
April, you will of course get your picture taken with our little Maddy!!
Hey Shannon this is so cool. Maddy is so beautiful. You seem to be enjoying being a mom just make sure you don't take this time you have for granted because before you know it she will be off to college and all grown up. Time seems to fly when your having fun!!! I know it has for me, it seems like I had 3 littles ones yesterday and now they are all grown up. Have fun and enjoy your little bundle of joy. Hope to see her soon. Love Lori Vondette
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