Uncle Scott with Maddy:)
Great Grandpa Don with Madeline, his very first Great Grandchild
Aunt Megan with her brand new niece.
Aunt Leigh with her new niece.
Nana Linda with Madeline. Maybe being a Nana isn't too bad after all huh.......:)
Uncle DJ with Madeline.
Our sweet little sleeping angel:)
Grandma and Grandpa Bonsall with our little Maddy
Daddies little girl:) and Lily in the background just making sure her little baby is being taken care of.
Go Tigers! Such a relief about that game yesterday. I see Brian's cap. Is that a little baseball jersey that Madeline is wearing? Does it have Inge on the back?
Brian was at the game yesterday, first one since opening day, i am glad they won for him:) You are correct that is a baseball jersey, not an Inge one yet though. all of the Tigers things are 3-6 months so she has some growing to do before she can wear them. Believe me though, she will have an Inge one, and a Granderson one too:)
Daddy and Daughter look SO adorable together. You guys made one gorgeous little child!
That little jersey is precious!
Thanks Alex, she is quite adorable... i am a little biased though:)!!
She is adorable though, it's not because you're biased. My coworker, Janet looked over my shoulder when i was looking at the pictures and she agrees, Madeline is too cute. And we're both very picky. :) Janet had 3 kids of her own and thinks yours is much cuter.
awww, maybe i should get her into baby modeling. make a little money for her college education:)
Shannon... I can't wait to see Madeline.. I have been waiting so long.. Hope Mommy and Baby are doing wonderful.. Come see us soon... Love you guys!!!!
I can not wait to see her. She is sooooooo pretty. See you at Dani's open house if not before.
(ps. Sleep while you can hahahahah)
Dani and Kelly thanks for visiting. We can't wait to introduce you guys to Maddy!!
Love you!
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