Monday, April 30, 2007

A Full Nights Sleep!

So last night our little angel slept the whole night. WooHoo!! I feel like this maternity leave is supposed to be for me to rest and spend time with Madeline but all she does is sleep and eat and i am left cleaning the apartment and trying to find productive things to do. We are knocking on wood that she stays like this. Watch, when i go back to work is when she will want to be up all night and then we will realize what no sleep and being new parents is all about:)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

More Photos of Madeline!

Uncle Scott with Maddy:)

Great Grandpa Don with Madeline, his very first Great Grandchild

Aunt Megan with her brand new niece.

Aunt Leigh with her new niece.

Nana Linda with Madeline. Maybe being a Nana isn't too bad after all huh.......:)

Uncle DJ with Madeline.

Our sweet little sleeping angel:)

Grandma and Grandpa Bonsall with our little Maddy

Daddies little girl:) and Lily in the background just making sure her little baby is being taken care of.

Introducing Madeline Christine......

She's finally here. Madeline Christine arrived on April 17, 2007 at 9:08 am and weighed in at 7lbs 7oz. She was 20 inches long and we are so excited she's here. She looks just like her daddy and has redish blonde hair like her Nana Linda. She has had many visitors already and is very social. We are so thankful she came safe and sound and we look forward to everyone sharing in her many experiences and adventures to come.