This weekend Brian and i got to go to New York to see his cousin Robyn and her husband Rich and spend some time in New York City. Our friend Leah joined us and uncle Scott came with too.
We had SO much fun. Friday night we met up with Bri's other cousin Bruce and his family. It was so great to see them again. It's been since our wedding two years ago since i met them and we haven't seen them since. Carol and I talk a little on Facebook so it was so great to actually meet her again. It's amazing how social networks can make you feel so comfortable with someone like you already know them so well. I can't wait to see them again soon. Robyn and Rich were such gracious hosts and took us all over. Saturday we went to the Met's game and let me just say WOW! Citi Field is gorgeous and our seats were AMAZING. We were right behind home plate at a high top table, our own waitress and hanging out with the rich folks. Then we ventured into Bryant Park back in Manhattan and had a few drinks before heading back to New jersey for the night. Sunday Leah and Robyn and i ventured into the city to do a little sight seeing.
I just LOVE new york. all the hustle and bustle is so fun. Headed back yesterday and today i am BEAT. Need to get back into the swing of things since this is a short week for me. Leaving here Thursday after work to head to Chicago for the half marathon and to see ANG!! Haven't seen her in 5 years so it will be a great weekend of catchup with a little running thrown in :) Auntie Leigh is so nice to let us crash at her pad for the weekend. Then i have Monday off and Tuesday begin my new job. Woo HOO! Busy times ahead :)