Last week Brian's mom sandy came to stay and help out with Maddy for a week while the babysitter is on vacation. I solicited her help with potty training since we haven't really taken a stab at it yet and we are always gone and getting into a routine is kinda hard. So Thursday was the very first day of no diapers and pantie wearing. She had a couple accidents in the beginning of the day but basically it's been a success :) She wears a diaper when she naps and at night and she is having a little trouble with #2 on the potty but only about an accident a day with pee pee and to me that's wonderful. Today i bribed her with getting her 1st prize of the bike basket if she goes #2 so we'll see when i get home if that's been accomplished. She is so cute and she'll be doing whatever it is she's doing and just yell
out "I've got to go potty" and take off running for the bathroom. She LOVES seeing her pee pee in the little bowl and then getting to dump it into the big toilet and flushing. Saturday we ventured to eastern market with multiple pairs of pants and panties in bag just in case and she didn't have 1 accident. i did have to teach her how to squat and pee in between cars but what girl doesn't need to know that eventually. especially if she's going to be into sports and tailgating a lot :) and let's face it, this is a key thing to know before venturing off to college right, ha ha :)

Saturday, like i stated above, we ventured to eastern market downtown and i cannot believe we have never been before. what a goldmine down there. we got so many fruits and veggies and meat for so cheap. Maddy had a blast listening to a band play and dancing. Can't wait for our schedules to slow down so we can go down there more often. Now if i can get my husband to agree with putting together grocery lists for the week and doing shopping down there based on that menu we'll be golden :)

Sunday we went to the local Berkley Catholic Church and then home for one of Brian's fantastic breakfasts. Maddy and i are so lucky Bri likes to cook because we would seriously starve. I am so dumb when it comes to anything int he kitchen except for buying things from pampered chef that i will NEVER use. Maddy decided not to nap so we went to the park and then to A & W for root beer ice cream cones, YUM YUM. Such a nice weekend with no real plans and not rushing from here to there. Too bad it was a little chilly but looks like this week it is warming up so cross your fingers for a water park trip this next weekend.