So the big day finally came on the 1st and Bri and i got hitched:) It was a gorgeous ceremony from what i remember, which is very little, and what people have told me. The reception was a blast and the DJ didn't quit till 3am. The entire wedding and reception went off very smoothly and thanks to my AWESOME sister everything looked perfect. Megan basically was my wedding planner and she did an incredible job. FYI to those that may be getting married, hire my sister and you will have no problems and everything will look great! Maddy was fantastic during the ceremony and she stayed at the reception for a little while before going home to the babysitter. To view pictures of the wedding visit http://freemansphotographyweddings2.net/Gallery/albums.php
and enter briannshannon as username and 070901 as the password to see all the pictures from the photographer. To see fun shots from the rehearsal and candids from our friends go to bonsallbash.shutterfly.com and http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?Uc=4w9jtlcc.8l9gay8w&Uy=8nrybx&Upost_signin=Slideshow.jsp%3Fmode%3Dfromshare&Ux=0&mode=fromshare&conn_speed=1
Married life is awesome and we are all adjusting very well. As for a Maddy update she has gotten her first tooth. She is getting bigger everyday and looks so adorable in her new fall wardrobe:)